FREE Rules Engine Comparison

Check which Business Rules Engine fits the best for your business
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Choose the right business rules engine on your first try
Stop spending hours researching different solutions. We discuss all the important features including usability, analytics, versioning, security, devops, price, and much more.

We’ve done all the heavy lifting for you

The Pega business rules solution seamlessly integrates with many different services including with your current IT infrastructure.

However, in order to maximize the potential of this tool, users needto be familiar with core Object-oriented approaches. Pega is nota good choice for small and mid-sized businesses.

IBM Operataional Decision Manager

IBM’s Operational Decision Manager is a powerful solution.

As is often the case with complex solutions, business users will havea difficult time navigating IBM’s rules engine. The cause of confusion for most non-technical users is the fact that there are many different tools and consoles to create and manage rules.


Drools is an open-source Java-based Business Rules ManagementSystem (BRMS) solution.

What is concering, is lack of security.Companies should only use Drools in secured environments

Why is Higson better
than other rules engines?
Hyper efficient
Higson Runtime is extremely fast. According to our benchmark, even 100,000 calculations can be processed in around 90 seconds.
Elastic architecture
Higson adjusts to your business, not the other way around. Higson works with any JVM based language and is so fast, your app users will not notice any lags.
Web browser based
Higson Studio is a webapplication, no more troubles with installing applications on users' desktops.
Cloud or on-premise
Self-host on Oracle, MsSQL, PostgreSQL, or go cloud with AWS, Azure, Docker, Google Cloud, and others
Respond to
business needs faster.
Define rules in run-time
without relying on IT support
Focus on the challenges.
Leave configuration work to the business people.
Our customers use Higson
to develop innovative products
and generate new revenue streams.
These are their success stories