Decision Table


A decision table presents values in rows and columns. Each row describes a situation when given inputs (columns) result in certain outputs (also columns). In other words a decision matrix displays decisions based on certain decision criteria. You can create decision table in Higson (so called parameter), where you define input and output columns and then populate data  with values in rows.


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Our customers use Higson to develop innovative products and generate new revenue streams.

These are their success stories

Key Features
Hyperon Studio
Web UI that lets users to manage their business rules
Hyperon Runtime
Engine embeddable as a lightweight jar
Hyperon Rest API
Evaluate parameters or functions via HTTP
Time Versioning
Create multiple versions of the business logic and schedule them in a timeline
Domain Designer
Design any domain you want to configure with business logic
Engine embeddable as a lightweight jar
Persistance Engine
Design any domain you want to configure with business logic
Built-in Profilers
Monitor the usage of decision tables and DSL scripts or functions
Import / Export To Excel
You can import / export configuration from / to Excel
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